Sunday, August 7, 2011

Free Agency

Well, the NFL's free agency is back in full swing. Everybody says the Eagles have a dream team now. They were able to reel in the big fish, nnamdi asomugha, but I am not sold on Vince Young or the other player they got from the Titans. I think the Ronnie Brown pick up was a good one as he will be a good backup to LeSean McCoy. The Eagles will be good, but I still think the Packers are the best. I will even say that the Packers are the best team in the NFL. They were injury prone last year, and still won the championship. Majority of their team will be healthy and back so they should win the Super Bowl. I am not saying they will, but they should!! Other free agent/trade moves I like were the Derrick Mason to the Jets, Albert Haynesworth to the Pats, Roy Williams to the Bears, and Steve Breaston to the Chiefs. Now, I am going to give you my opinions on the Dolphins!!

The Dolphins definitely decided to to go in another direction with their running game. They decided to trade and sign one of the most overrated players in the NFL, Reggie Bush. Bush is fast and will be a weapon for Henne, but he is not the running back that I put a lot of faith in. I am anxious to see how the guy the drafted from Kansas State will pan out. They traded up into the second round to get him so I hope they know what they are doing. I will say with Edmund Gates in the fold, the Dolphins will be a much faster team. Jason Taylor is back on defense, but I don't see him contributing that much. I am glad the Dolphins did not go out and get McNabb or Young, but they need some help at the quarterback position. Kyle Orton, who was rumored to be coming to the Dolphins, would have a slight upgrade, but I don't see this love affair of a quarterback whose record is 32-30. They signed Matt Moore, who was terrible with Panthers last year. Sometimes, my team never ceases to amaze me. Unless, the team is better than I expect, I see them having a new coach, quarterback, gm next year. I will be posting again soon!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Back In Business

Well, after a long negotiation, the NFL is back in business!! They players are getting ready to get paid. Already, the Carolina Panthers have resigned a player for 72 million dollars with a 30 million dollar signing bonus. Charles Johnson (Not the baseball catcher or southern gospel artist) has been in the league for four years. He had 11 sacks last year, which was his only good year. I know other teams wanted him, but 30 million dollars for a man I just heard about Monday. He is not the only one that is about to get paid. Santonio Holmes and Nnamdi Asomugha are the big free agents and are going to make astronomical figures. I have read that Asomugha wants 20 million dollars a year, which is outrageous. He is a great player, but not that great. If he and Holmes go to the Jets I may cry, lol. Now on to my Dolphins.

Two names I don't want to hear mentioned about the Dolphins are Donovan McNabb and Vince Young. It would be hard to watch Vince Young, but Donovan McNabb would be near impossible. Hopefully, McNabb will go to a team like the Vikings. The Dolphins need some quarterback help, but those two are not the answers, in my opinion. Actually, the Dolphins need a lot of help. I do like the Pat Devlin signing, I told my brother that I wouldn't be surprised if they went 4-12, but the years that expect them to do bad, they do good and vice versa. They need to have a successful running game again. Brown and Williams are getting old. They are making a run at DeAngelo Williams, but it looks like he is going to resign with Carolina or sign with Denver. I am not the biggest Ahmad Bradshaw fan and Willis McGahee is getting up there in years. So I don't know how to fix the running game. Well, this it for now. At 6:00 Friday, things should get real interesting.

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Coaching Carousel

Every year, NFL teams make coaching changes. This year a lot of teams made moves during the season while others waited to do it after it. I must say that the strangest situation involved the Dolphins (my favorite team). The owner and GM flew to California to chase Jim Harbaugh, who just guided Stanford to a 12-1 record and Orange Bowl victory over Virginia Tech. They were going to make him the highest paid coach in the NFL. One problem, they still had Tony Sparano as their coach. They offered a job that someone was currently filling it. Harbaugh and the Dolphins broke off their talks late last night. The Dolphins now have to make it up to Sparano and are now offering a two year extension to appease him. They are going to pay a coach that they tried to replace more money and supposedly more power in personnel decisions. I don't quite understand it. I have been a Dolphin's fan all of my life, but I don't like how things were handled. If you want a new coach, fire the one you have before looking at another one. In my opinion, I wouldn't blame Sparano if he walked out. Also, giving an unproven NFL coach 8 million dollars is ridiculous. I am not taking anything from Harbaugh, but for him to make more than Belichick is crazy!! I hope the Dolphins can get this mess straighten out, but it may take a lot of time!!!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Caleb Video

I did my video by using pictures of my nephew. It shows the stuff my nephew Caleb does. I did not have too many problems doing the video other than finding pictures and the song that went along with it. I was well pleased with the way it turned out. I hope you enjoy it.

The link to my video is Video.WMV

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Football Time in Tennessee

Football season has started. After a disappointing loss the first week, Tennessee rebounded with a win against Southern Miss. Aaron, Adrian, myself, and four of Adrian's friends went to the game. Being at a game in person is so awesome. My Dolphins are 0-1 after losing a heartbreaker to the Redskins. It was good seeing my brothers.
I have been very busy doing school work. It seems like I am either working or doing homework. I was able to see my cool nephew. He liked the shoes and other presents we had for him. He has grown. Well, that is it for now.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007



My name is Alan Seaver. I am from Church Hill, TN and have lived there all of my life. I am 25 and I still live with my mom. I am not married, but I have dated Kristen for almost four years. I have two brothers, who are both married. My middle brother has a three year old boy and has a girl on the way. My nephew is the coolest!! I graduated from ETSU in May 2006 with a degree in social studies. Since then I have tried unsuccessfully for a teaching job in the middle school level. I thought about going to grad school last year, but I decided to stay with my dad. He died from Lou Gehrig's disease in December. He had the disease for seven years and was on a ventilator for the last three.

I have worked at Hibbett Sporting Goods since 2ooo. I took some time off last Spring and took a six week interim job at Church Hill Middle School. I taught six grade language arts and loved it. I feel like I am more suited to teach younger kids so that is why I have decided to pursue a Master's Degree in elementary education.

I love sports. I am so excited for football season to start. I am a huge Tennessee fan and I also like Virgina Tech pretty well. I am a big Miami Dolphins fan as well. I love baseball, golf, basketball too. The Astros, and the Duke Blue Devils are some other favorites of mine. I also like to play sports games on my xbox. My favorite game is NCAA football.

I like southern gospel music. I like Greater Vision, Gold City, Legacy Five, and the Kingsmen to name a few. I was a huge Cathedral Quartet fan. I also like country music. Some of my favorites are Brooks and Dunn, George Strait, Diamond Rio, and Dierks Bentley to name a few. It is hard for me to pick a favorite movie, so I will list a few that I really like. That lists includes: Remember the Titans, Gladiator, Facing the Giants, Uncle Buck, and The Fugitive. Those are some that come to mind.

I use a PC with Windows Vista. I have a DSL connection. I hope to learn how to use more technology in my classroom. I am also excited to learn how to use some of the different programs as well. For example, this is my first blog so I am glad to know how to set one up.

As far as Chapter One goes, I agree that technology helps enhance student learning. For example, when I was doing student teaching at Surgoinsville Middle, I had the students do a web quest on the underground railroad. They learned more from doing that than they did when I taught on the topic. When I lectured, I used notes that I typed out, which made it easier for them to read and copy down. I also learned about some technology that I never new existed, RFID being one of them. One problem I do see with the rise of technology is that some counties may not be able to afford to purchase the items. Even though a lot of them get grants, some still do not have the resources that some counties/cities do. Overall, new technology helps not only the students, but teachers as well.